We encourage teams to get together once or twice a year, at the team’s discretion. Team offsites are intended for individual teams to come together in person with the goal to work, strengthen relationships, and get inspiration on how best to make progress on team projects and initiatives. Team offsites are meant for core teams, not large orgs, so it should be your core working group, though we will leave it up to team leads to organize the most valuable trip. If you are a 1-person team, you can of course coordinate trips with teams you collaborate closely with.

Although we have a globally dispersed team, we expect you to consider where the majority of the team is based when planning offsites. For example, if 4/6 people are based near a hub, it would be in Airbyte’s best interest to host the offsite in that hub to save time and costs. There may be instances where someone faces visa restrictions. We will do our best to reasonably get the team together, it could be in a neighboring country from the majority of the team, but realize that it could very likely require a hybrid approach (in-person and zoom attendees).

Teams will be in charge of initiating their own offsites, with support from the People Team team to help coordinate team offsites. Input and collaboration will be required from team managers throughout the planning process. There should also be 1 designated trip lead who can help plan smaller details with the People Team (ex. WeWork locations, restaurants, etc).

Process for a team offsite:

  1. Team manager initiates the planning, working with the People Team to select a location/date
  2. Disperse the itinerary to your your team
  3. Add your travel dates to the Travel With Purpose calendar.